I consider myself a minimalist, in the sense that I only buy what I love, and make sure that I have a need or use for something before I buy it. I am striving to live a more zero-waste lifestyle and reduce, reuse and recycle as much as I can. Because of that here are 15 things I do not buy anymore and what I do instead. Some of these you may already do, if not try them out as a first step to a more minimal lifestyle approach.
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Single Use Plastic:
Paper plates, cups and plastic utensils. For many reasons using and purchasing these items, but mainly because I don’t need them. It is just me and my husband, so its easy to just wash whatever we use (or leave in the sink if I’m lazy). If we have a large party, and don’t have enough plats, cups, etc. then I will use plastics and recycle what I can. It’s better for my wallet, and the environment.
I also skip the straws and plasticware at restaurants.
Zip Lock Bags:
It has been years since I bought ziplock bags. I use zip top reusable bags and I love them, or I will I just use Tupperware.
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Just In Case Items:
I mean buying items just because they are on sale, multiples of items or items that I think might need in the future. I will keep a few items on hand that I know we will need every month like toothpaste and deodorant, but not an excessive amount.
But mainly I only buy what I need, when I need it. It saves me money and also space in my home.
Shaving Cream:
I haven’t bought it in years. Shampoo, conditioner or body wash that you already have work just fine. Save some money and skip the shaving cream.
I NEVER buy cards any more. People read them, and throw them away, or just keep them and don’t know what to do with them and then they take up space in their home.
For a special occasion (first anniversary, 30 birthday, first Father’s Day, etc…) I may purchase a card, or more likely make one. I can be a little sentimental sometimes.
Generally, this applies to gift bags also. People usually use gift bags to give me gifts and I just reuse them (you know, reduce, recycle & reuse).
Since my husband and I have lived together we have not had cable. At first because it wasn’t in the budget. But now we simply don’t need it. I watch YouTube a lot, we have Netflix and share a Hulu account with my parents.
I watch a decent amount of TV (50% HGTV, 50% murder docs & crime shows) but I have been reading more blogs, listening to podcasts and reading baby books to fill up my days.
Limiting the amount of shows you have available can free up your time to start a new hobby, like starting a blog you’ve been contemplating for years!
This is another thing people don’t know what to do with when you give it to them, and it also takes up space in your own house because you don’t know what to do with these items when you purchase them for yourself.
I’m not saying I never buy a souvenir, but I am saying 98% of the time I don’t. If I cant find a reason or a space for it before I buy it, its stays at the store.
Nail Polish:
I use to have so many polishes, and still have a few. But I typically stick to 2-3 colors, so there is no need for an excessive amount.
Makeup Remover:
Coconut oil or really any oil can remove makeup, and most of the time even better. I always have coconut oil or some type of oil around my house, so it is easy to never run out.
Perfume & Body Sprays:
I have never really been big on either, and the older I get the less I use them.
Logo Tees:
I like basic outfits, and simple tees.
More importantly, my husband and I own a t-shirt business and I am always in my brand.
I have one black scarf and I don’t wear it often, so. there is no reason for me to own more
And I am a SAHM who wears jeans once a month, so belts aren’t a part of my typical wardrobe.
Maybe scarfs and belts are your thing, and that’s fine. But I don’t get much use out of either, so I’d rather save my money for my mani/ pedis.
Special Event Outfits:
This is something I just recently stopped purchasing in the last couple of years. There a a few reasons, but mainly because I do not go out or to as many events and I like the clothes I own.
I tend to wear simple outfits now so I can mix and match them easily to make it look like a different outfit.
Wearing simple outfits and clothes you already have almost guarantees you are going to like it, and it is going to fit. If you need to buy something just make sure it is something that you can get multiple uses out of.
Clothes or Shoes I Don’t Love:
I use to purchase a lot of trendy clothing items, but now I like to think of myself as stylish rather than trendy.
I like to buy pieces that I can wear multiple ways, in neutral colors and that I am comfortable in. If you have clothes or shoes that don’t fit get rid of them! I don’t know about you but excessive laundry and folding clothes is overwhelming to me.
Get rid of the stuff you hate and make room for things you love.
Cheap Jewelry (or jewelry in general):
Typically I only wear a pair of earrings (two if I’m feeling crazy), my wedding ring and my apple watch.
There is nothing wrong with purchasing jewelry if it is your vice but try to shop for quality pieces and second-hand if you can!
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None of this is absolute and minimalism will look different for everybody. Minimalism does not mean getting rid of everything, it means only having things that have purpose and are important to you.
Having a lot of stuff has made me feel overwhelmed at times. I don’t enjoy chores like cleaning or folding clothes. So getting rid of some of my things allows me to spend less time to doing those things, and spending more time doing things I enjoy.
Comment below and let me know what you don’t purchase anymore and how it has made your life more simple.