Create a minimalist and clutter free bedroom with these 3 essentials

Minimalism is about creating a simple and functional space. It is about editing your wardrobe, decor and really everything. It isn’t about creating some sort of prison-esque room with a single mattress on the floor that does not bring you joy.

You shouldn’t be sacrificing comfort and style by getting rid of virtually all your belongings. Your bedroom is one of the most important rooms in your home, and it should be a peaceful space for you.

1. Bed

Start by choosing a simple bed frame. Your bed is the focal point, so what you choose will set the tone for the rest of your room. You don’t have to have the rest of your room design figured out when you choose your bed.

2. Bedside Table

Having storage next to you bed is useful in many ways. You can use it to store things and have clutter free surfaces in your room.

It does not have to be big, although if you have the space a larger nightstand could replace a dresser (it is what I have done in my room).

3. Light Source

Having a couple different light sources allows you to create different vibes in your bedroom. You should have a main light source that allows your entire room to be illuminated, and a smaller light or a light concentrated on a small area, that you can use when you want low lighting.

Another tip is to keep most, if not all of your clothes and shoes stored in the closet. And also consider a neutral color palette. With a neutral color palette you are able to change your decor as you please!

This is a short list of what is necessary in a bedroom, but before you begin you may need to declutter and here are 10 tips to get you started.

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