Typically my husband is in charge of the laundry, but I am all about the space being aesthetic and functional, also I am super pregnant so nesting, is in full swing.
When I started separating the baby clothes and cloth diapers to wash them Baby P arrives I was less than enthusiastic about our laundry situation. It’s really a laundry area or closet rather than room and it has an older washer and dryer set it in. Although I’d love a nice new set it’s really not necessary at this time. We have more practical things to purchase before Baby comes. So I decided I’d take a few days and a small budget to do a little makeover. My husband asked me my budget and I didn’t really have one at first, but then decided it would be less than $100, but probably cost more than $50.
To start my laundry room “nesting” project I went to Pinterest for some inspiration and made a few calls to my mom for some advice to decide on a design.

This is what I started with.
First I cleaned the space and removed the wire shelves.

Removing the shelf was harder than I thought. I removed the shelf because I wanted to move it up and also paint the area.
Once I removed the shelf I took it outside and cleaned it and also cleaned all the walls and the washer and dryer. The shelf was secured to the wall with anchors so there were large holes in the wall.

I had to patch all the holes, and let it dry before I could sand and paint.

Once it dried, I sanded all the spots to prep for painting. I had not spent any money at this point. We already had the putty and sand paper.

I used the same paint color in the laundry area as I did throughout the house. I had a small sample paint and quart left over, so I didn’t have to purchase any new paint for this project. Same with the brushes, we already had a few at the house.

We hung the shelf higher so that we could hang dry clothes. Since it’s high for me, I have a small foot stool I use to reach the shelf. The laundry sign was purchased from hobby lobby. The sign was 8.99 and I used a 40% coupon.

The sign was a teal color, and in true DIY queen fashion I spray painted the sign so it would match with our decor. Spray paint is SO easy to use to transform or repurpose decor to fit your style.

In an attempt to match the wire shelves I purchased these white shelves from IKEA. The shelves were 12.99 each, they didn’t come with screws but we had some at the house and they were super easy to put up.

I also purchased the bins from IKEA. They were only 2.99 each. They have some nicer ones but they were all $10 or more. Since these bins are only holding cleaning supplies and light bulbs it didn’t seem necessary to purchase the more expensive ones. I purchased some gray hangers as well for 3.99 from Aldi.

I purchased this skull dispenser from Ross for 9.99. But full disclosure it pours out very slow, and I will probably replace it. Whatever I find I’ll purchase 2 so I can use one for baby’s detergent as well. And the glass canister was purchased at hobby lobby. It was 5.99 (I think) and 50% off.

We don’t use dryer sheets so I didn’t have anything to put on this shelf. For now it holds the extra laundry detergent, which was a steal from Walgreens $12 including shipping & tax for all 6. I think I’ll add some other small decor here once these detergents are gone, we typically don’t have this much extra detergent.
And this is the final result! Super simple, functional and affordable. Now maybe I’ll help more with the laundry.
I also posted a video on my YouTube channel about this update, and I would love for you to check it out.