It seemed like I was in the second trimester for a LONG time. But I’m in the third and we are so close to meeting our sweet baby!
My 3rd trimester blog is going to be a little different. Since I am currently in my 3rd trimester, I’m going to write about it week by week. This works better really because my memory is pretty much gone at this point, and if you’re reading this I’m either in labor or Baby P is here! Soak up these last bump photos because the next blog will be baby & me instead of bump & me!
Week 28: I’m soo happy to be in my 3rd trimester. I had training last week and had to put on real clothes. I got told I looked pregnant for the first time, and I guess that was a compliment.
Next week is going to be busy! We have an appointment on Tuesday, Tyler’s 30th birthday party on Saturday and Tyler’s first Father’s Day on Sunday. Of course I don’t have his gift yet, but since this will be posted after he gets it I can let you know it’s going to be a work bench. He’s going into super dad mode and claims he needs a work bench “to build stuff.” Okay fine, but I have no where to hide it. So it will be at the store until next week.

Week 29: Yep, just like I thought.. super busy. I didn’t even get my blog or video out this week. But Tyler had a great time! We planned (pre-covid) to go to LA for his 30th birthday. But since the city is still shut down and I’m pregnant we decided it would be best to stay home, so he wanted a party.
We’ve (mainly him) got so much done this week. He changed out all the lights in the house. It’s looks so bright and new in here.
My bestie, her husband and baby were here for 3 days. And I blame her for the nightmares I had because we were talking about how hard Tyler and I sleep, and my fear of not waking up for Baby P. Well her son is 2 months old, and was apparently crying throughout the night and we never heard him. JK, I don’t blame you.. but I really did have a nightmare. My mom keeps telling me I will wake up and hear my baby, I hope so because it’s a real fear of mine.
Of course Tyler’s work bench was sold out. I had to get a gift card so we can go get it next week, he was still excited about that. Since I didn’t feel I could top the cancelled LA trip I gave him the money I saved for the trip. He can spend it however he wants, no questions asked, he’s pretty excited about that. I actually gave it to him last month and he bought himself a gun and used a little bit towards our beach trip coming up.
Our new appliances came this week too! They are still white, but just look fresh and new. Tyler had help with the microwave but put the stove in himself, he always impresses me.

We also had an appointment at the birth center. We didn’t see the baby but the midwife told us the baby was head down and I was measuring at 29 weeks, mama and baby are growing right on track.

Week 30: We went on our baby moon! I really had the idea I wanted to go to Florida, but we are still in a pandemic, so we settled for a nice Carolina beach. I attempted to vlog the trip but we (especially Ty) aren’t the best I’m front of the camera yet, so I’m not sure if I’ll post. I did get my blog and YouTube video up this week, so make sure you check those out.
Tyler got his work bench, he’s to hype. I’m hype too because I know it will help him get some of these pre-baby projects done.

Week 31: We got a lot of done this week! This weeks projects will go into next week though. We celebrated 4th of July with a small group of our friends and had our 3D ultra sound. I made the appointment last month, but the tech did not show up. She told us I didn’t confirm. I cried, like boo boo cried. Mainly because I didn’t think we would be able to get it done, but also because I was so excited. Tyler talked to her and she ended up giving us a free scan. The experience was pleasant and it worked out because my sister in law was here and she came with us. I left out with a heartbeat teddy bear, 3 images of our babe and no tears!
Throughout the week we (mainly Tyler) worked on getting the stairs ready to be replaced. It was a long process but I’ll have a video of the process on my channel once it’s done. I also did a quick revamp of our laundry room, and re organized our pantry.
My sister in law (Ashley) helped so much! First she did the cutest accent wall in our bathroom for me, then she stained the wood for the stairs. She did pretty much all the work, it was so hot outside and it was difficult wearing the mask and I only did 4 boards.
The stairs were the biggest project to get done before baby P arrives and it will be complete this weekend! They look great! I upload a video to my channel documenting the process and you can check it out here

Week 32: I was telling Tyler on Thursday night how I have not had any Braxton Hicks contractions yet, and boom as soon as I wake up Friday morning, bright and early I feel the first one. It wasn’t long and it didn’t hurt, it was just a tightening of my stomach. Letting me know my body is getting ready for Baby P.
The stairs are complete! They look great! Such a huge relief to have it done before baby got here. The whole process was loud, messy and took days! We only have 2 more big projects so I’m glad about that.
We also did our maternity photos this week! I’m super excited to get them back. But by the time the post goes live I’ll have them back, so I’ll make sure to include them in this post!

Week 33: I got the call to come back into the office to work. I was really going to try and ride out working from home until baby arrived. But so many people are out, one person left and I’m the only one who can do what needs to be done, and for licensing and security reasons I have to be in the office.
I’m not at the part of pregnancy where I’m over it, but I am uncomfortable most of the day. Whether I’m sitting, standing or laying. I only have about 4 things that fit and are work appropriate. I’ve been home majority of my pregnancy so there was no need for maternity clothes, and since I’m so close to baby coming now I won’t be getting any. They are just going to get what fits!
On a side note I’m really glad I’m documenting weekly because I have not been keeping up with my pregnancy journal. Although I love blogging and journaling it isn’t as appealing to write it down.
Week 34: For the past week or so I’ve been having pelvic pain. Baby is definitely making his or her way down and getting ready to come out! I made an appointment to see a chiropractor next week and I’m really excited. My stomach may not be super round but that doesn’t stop my ankles and lower back from aching. Remember last week when I said I’m uncomfortable all the the time? Well I’ve added a little bit of complaining to that also 😩 but with everything I’m still so blessed!
We took Brady to the “dog bar” this week for his birthday. Of course he has a blast! Princess not so much. But it was an enjoyable hour. When baby P is older that will def be a Saturday family event we can do.
Week 35: Okay I lied still complaining 🥴 but I did get a massage this week and I was able to relax and chill out for an hour. Ty and I went together which was nice. I know being parents won’t stop us from doing things together but I know those moments will be limited for a little while.
I had a Dr appointment this week and for the first time I was actually pretty nervous. I measured right on track for belly size but the midwife couldn’t feel where the baby’s head was. She thought baby might be breached and had to do a quick ultra sound. Luckily baby was NOT! She said baby was deep in my belly which could be why I’m having pelvic pain already and why she couldn’t feel where the head was.
I don’t have much anxiety about giving birth. But I know I would if I knew I had to go to the hospital instead of the birth center.

My family came of Friday and left on Monday. My brother stayed for the week, it’s always nice when he comes to visit. He always runs my errands with me and helps me with baby things.
My showers were so perfect. It was hot AF but I was so glad to see everyone! My family, coworkers and friends were all here to see me me and baby P (and Tyler I guess). I was a little stressed we would get a bunch of unnecessary items but we really didn’t. Everyone did SO well with the gifts. It was a also super cute “baby q” theme, I’ll include some photos below.
I also did a belly cast after the shower with my friends and sister. It made a mess everywhere and took days to dry. I’m going to attempt to sand and decorate it. I’ll let you know how that goes.

The following day we went to SC to have another at my grandparents. Because I have a large family it was easier to split it up. My grandma planned it and it was also super cute. We mainly received gift cards which will help a lot preparing for baby!

My parents left Monday morning super early and I was sad because I knew I wouldn’t see them for a few months. But I was excited to know the next time I see them it will be with their very first grans baby. My sister left later in the day so I got to hang out with her and my brother for the day.
I changed my work schedule around a bit to be home Monday but I still worked 2 days this week.
Week 36: People keep telling me my pregnancy is going by fast, and it’s clearly because they aren’t pregnant. Trying to enjoy these last weeks with Ty and I but I’m so ready to meet our baby. Now that I’m getting towards the end of my pregnancy I think not knowing the gender has made me feel a little disconnected to baby P. But it’s the first time I’ve felt like this, so I don’t know if just me getting anxious and impatient because I’m getting close or if it’s just the first time I’ve really had to think about it.
I ordered a whole bunch of things for the baby this week. The mattress and cube organizer being the biggest. I know baby won’t be in the nursery for a little while but I would like it to be done before he or she is here. My nesting has really been all home projects. We’ve been here for a year and I’m trying to spend all my time getting baby cuddles, not completing house projects.
I went to the chiropractor this week too, and thank goodness I did. I’ve been really scared to go so I decided to take the almost 3 hour trip to see a family friend, Dr.Joy. She was great! I told her I was having ankle, pelvic and lower back pain. She adjusted my ankles, hips and back. My back and ankles feels so much better! I’m still having pelvic pain but I know that’s baby P just making their way down. If I was closer to her I would definitely have to see her more often. I’m even thinking of going to see her after birth, and taking baby to see her also. The appointment was quick and efficient. I enjoyed the massage but it was more relaxing than practical. I did get to relax for an hour, but I didn’t get the pain relief I was looking for.

The closet organizer still isn’t here. So nursery still a mess and things every where.

Week 37: I kept myself busy this week. Wrote multiple blog posts, filmed and uploaded for YouTube! But this also has been a week filled with some doubt and worry. I wasn’t able to get good sleep because I’m up every two hours to pee, and I can’t fall asleep early, and on days I go into the office I’m up at 5:30.
No swelling still but I’m so lazy, exercise is non-existent. I have been squatting and stretching. I also started drinking red raspberry tea this week. I’m really not rushing the arrival of baby P, but do have a little anxiety about baby coming late and having to go to the hospital. So yes and yoga ball exercises to let him or her know I’m ready.
I had a midwife appointment this week. She told me I’m measuring on track, I’ve gained 11 lbs (about 19 total, just 11 since I’ve been there) and that baby is in a good position for birth, head down and low. The baby is definitely low, I’m still having pelvic pressure and it feels like baby is sitting right there. Hopefully that is the case, and baby wants to come right out.
Tyler also put in the car seat this week, I think he’s a little anxious too because he randomly did it earlier this week.
The nursery is almost complete! I’ll probably post a photo of it next week. The closet organizer came, so at least it isn’t a mess anymore. All sleepers, blankets and swaddles are washed and waiting for baby!

Week 38: Even though I know it could still be weeks until baby P arrives I get a little anxious every night when I go to bed, thinking the next time I go to bed I may do so with a baby! This little person that I don’t know at all, but already love so much!
Even though I’m not sure how much more I can prepare the house, since we are still waiting I am still finding little projects to get done. Baby’s bathroom is 98% done. Just needs the quarter round replaced. Tyler honestly might have time before baby comes. Nursery is also done! Just needs quarter round done as well. When we moved in everything was carpet so Tyler had to take all the quarter round up to replace the floor. It won’t be a hard project for him but tedious and a little messy.
I’m still working. But only went into the office I Once this week. I think it’s mainly because I’m anxious but I’ve been having a difficult time sleeping at night. In fact Tuesday night I didn’t sleep at all. So it was impossible for me to go in. Being that I can work from home and am almost 40 weeks pregnant no one bothers me to come in. So grateful for the schedule I have.

39 weeks: Another week and 90% of my day is spent saying “still pregnant” no lie. I talk to my mom multiple times a day. I asked her if she thinks I won’t tell her and she says thinks I will, but not right away. The suspense is killing her mite than me 🤣 I know Tyler gets the same calls from his mom.
It’s fair I guess. But I’ve had NO signs of labor. No back pain, loss of mucus plug, cramps or Braxton Hicks. I feel a little bit of contractioning but it’s so light I can barely notice it sometimes. I went to see my midwife and she’s convinced the baby is coming after 41 weeks. That’s fine, it just adds another level of anxiety the closer it gets to 42 weeks. She explained to us some ways I could try and induce labor at home and then some ways they call try and induce it at the center when I het closer to 42 weeks. Once again I was reaffirmed that I made the right choice in where to give birth because although I was baby here now I don’t want to induce labor if I don’t have too. She said I can wait until the last minute and that’s what I plan to to. I talked to Tyler about it and he’s fine with it. He told me I’ve made great decisions so far, and have been trusting my body so he’s not going to tell me what to do now. I know he’s going to support whatever decision I make, but I like to get his opinion.
I’ve been riding around with the car seat and extra towels in my car for two weeks. Our “snack bag” and frozen meal prep has been done since 37 weeks, and our bags have been packed for about 2 weeks as well. Still finding little projects for Tyler to do. I know he’s over me, but he’s not going to tell me no at this point.
I launched some super cute stuff on our Etsy page! You can check it out here I’ve been very intentional about what items I’ve added to our shop and have been working hard to order everything to have at the house! So we can still run efficiently when baby P arrives. So I think we are pretty set on that.

We’ve also been making sure to keep everything clean. I’m not going to lie I go to bed without doing the dishes sometimes but that’s been very limited because the last thing I want is to be delayed leaving because the kitchen is dirty.
Once again this week I only went into the office for one day. I’m not extremely uncomfortable but it is difficult to sit all day at work. When I work from home I can take mid day walks bounce in my ball and bras aren’t required (the most important factor).
This week was fairly regular, still no contractions. I’ve having more pelvic pressure, but I’ve been having it since about 34 weeks. Last week the midwife told us the baby is in a good position but hasn’t moved down. Which mostly I can tell, my belly is still pretty high. We have an appointment on Friday so I’m hoping baby moved some.
This weeks drama was Tyler getting new tires. Luckily he didn’t have to, they were able to be plugged. But he will need them soon! We were going to give up our dishwasher money we saved up. But now we don’t have too. Since it’s Labor Day weekend the plan is to grab one for a good deal. Now honestly there is nothing wrong with ours, but it looks awful and I’m excited to change it out!

Week 40: Still pregnant. And more than ready to meet Baby P. Baby brain has completely taken over because I cannot think of anything else! Today is my due date but because I’m still not having contractions I know today won’t be the the day.

We didn’t see great deals on dishwashers so instead I convinced Tyler that we (mainly) him get our shutters done! He’s not happy about it but he agreed. Today I also filmed “old wives tales” trying to naturally induce labor. I’ll link it here when it’s uploaded.
*plot twist I started having contractions Saturday night, and Korbin Mae Piers arrived on Tuesday 9/8/2020. If you do not already follow me here to check out Instagram updates. I’ll be working on my birth story this week, so stay tuned for next weeks post!
Oh and if your curious how the shutters turned out…

Ty did the damn thing! All shutters were painted and hung back up and the storm door was done. So when we got home all we had to do was love on our little babe!
Make sure to come back next week, and see how my not so planned birth plan went!