Happy Holiday Season. The time of year when over consumption is at an all time high, and you feel pressured into buying things you don’t really need or want. We are not giving in this year and only purchasing things we love or need.
Holiday sales are great if there are things you need, but don’t give into the pressure of buying just because. Let’s declutter before the New Year to prepare.
One of the most beneficial things that I have done over the last couple of years, to make my life easier was declutter and then organize our home-shoutout to my mom for ALL the help- . I am far from a minimalist, but I do love a practical and functional home. Decluttering is the first step to achieving that goal.
Here are 12 places to start your declutter journey..
1. Purse:
I think we all can admit our purses quickly turn into a catch all for receipts, hair ties and toddler snacks. This is something you use everyday, take a few minutes to remove the clutter and make sure it is organized to make your outings easier.
2. Nightstand:
Another easy place that becomes a catch all, keep it simple. If you don’t use it, get rid of it.
3. Car:
Whether you have 1 kid or 3, our cars can often look like we live in them. Take it out and throw it away!
4. Bathroom Counter:
I’ve never been the one to keep a lot of items on the bathroom counter. The bathroom is usually my first stop when I wake up and last stop before bed. Keep your bathroom counter neat and organized for a better start and end to your day.
5. Entry Way basket or drawer:
In some form or fashion we all have one of these junk drawers. I use to have a junk drawer and and “junk basket.” This should be your catch all, but each item should serve a purpose. Think car keys, receipts or coupons you need to save.
Related Post: 5 Ways to Make Your Home look Expensive on a Budget
6. Coat closet:
Get rid of the ones you don’t wear. Add extra storage if you have space.
7. Makeup vanity:
If you aren’t using it, or its expired throw it out. This may be the only space that is truly yours so make sure you take care of it.
8. Pantry:
We often end up with a lot of things we don’t use. Because either we bought a specific ingredient for one meal and don’t need it, or someone brought it over and we don’t use or like it. I’ll be the first to admit it’s really hard for me to throw away food, but I’ve decided to stop letting things I don’t want take over, and you shouldn’t either.
If there is a local church in your area, check it out and see if you can donate no perishable items.
9. Refrigerator:
This one is easy, and I don’t have much to say about it. Throw it away sis, and try not to buy as much next time so you don’t waste money.
10. Linen Closet:
Think quantity over quality, another thing I’ll be concentrating on this year. Throw away the old sheets and dingy towels you never use.
And don’t forget the lotions, medicines and sunscreens. If it’s expired, you don’t like it or don’t find yourself using it, LET IT GO!
11. Sock & Underwear Drawer:
You’re not going to find the match, throw it away. And I’m just going to say it, toss anything with holes!
12. Unused glassware:
We have so much glassware. I’ve sorted through it multiple times and we will still have a lot. I’ve come to the conclusion that’s it’s just our thing. We like glasses, and that’s fine.
Related Post: 4 Decluttering Mistakes You’re Making & How to Fix Them
Just Start NOW!
This is going to be a different process for everyone. I joke that I want a huge empty house. A lot of space and nothing in it.
As you go through your things truly consider if you like it, and then if it serves a purpose. If neither of those things are true, sell or donate it.
This year when we went through our things we didn’t get rid of a lot. That tells me we were intentional about our purchases and like the things we have.
Tell me, what are you starting with first?