Whether you chose to be a Stay at Home Mom or fall into it by circumstance, it can be an adjustment for any mom. From the very second you wake up, until the kids are in bed you are in mom mode and that can be overwhelming.
But I truly believe it doesn’t have to be and if you implement these 10 habits you will reduce stress and improve your productivity.
1. Create a schedule
Having a routine and schedule as a stay at home mom is a good way to relieve stress for everyone in your house. It is a good way to have your partner know where to step in when they get home, and allows your kids to know what to expect throughout the day.
Prepare and plan your day, but allow for some flexibility. Everyday won’t be perfect, and according to plan, so be ready for that.
2. Get ready for the day
This does not have to mean full face, jeans and wedges (unless that works for you). But whatever getting ready looks like to you. Personally, it’s a mom tee, cute tennis shoes and a crossbody for me.
3. Get up before your children
30 minutes works for me. It is enough time for me to get ready and figure out what I need to do for the day. As a stay at home mom you may not get any alone time until your partner is home, or off work.
Play around with the time a bit, and find out how much time you need in the morning to get ready and have a cup of coffee before your kids wake up.
4. Get some fresh air
At some point during the day make sure you and the kids get outside. The sun literally brings happiness. It always improves our mood!
5. Find a hobby
A hobby that allows you to be creative and do something you enjoy. For me it is this blog!
Related post: Postpartum anxiety and how to cope, Prioritize Your MarriageTips for a Happy Marriage After Baby
6. Find time for yourself
Whether it is during the time you wake up before your kids, when your partner gets home, or after they are asleep. Make time for yourself everyday. Sometimes it may be 30 minutes, sometimes it may be 4 hours.
Make the time, even if you do nothing but catch up on a show or scroll social media.
7. Join mom groups or classes
Facebook groups, mommy & me classes, or whatever you are interested in..there is probably a class or meet up for it.
Find mom friends who enjoy similar things and want to meet up to do those things!
8. Move your body
Workout, walk or mommy & me dance party. It doesn’t matter, just get up and move. It is so good for your health, and even better for you mind.
9. Ask for help
As moms we tend to take on majority of the household and parenting tasks, and as a SAHM we take on even more. We spend more time with our children and at home, so it makes sense.
But if you need help, make sure you ask for it. Hopefully you and your partner have good communication and already have a good system in place. But either way, it is important to communicate your needs.
Check out 7 Tips for a healthy and successful marriage for more about marriage.
10. Go easy on yourself
It’s easy to feel unsure of your decisions or guilt for the choices during the day. Don’t hold onto those emotions otherwise it will eat you up. Your house doesn’t need to be spotless everyday or dinner prepared from scratch, we all have our off days.
Regroup, and get ready for the next day. You are an awesome mom, even on your bad days.