This is not an absolute list, nor will it work for everyone. But I am taking the chance that we are in similar circumstances since you stumbled upon my blog, and you are looking for tips on how to be a stay at home mom.
For some, being a stay-at-home mom is a dream come true and for some it is due to circumstances. Being a stay-at-home mom automatically pushes you to be a present parent, but figuring out how to be a stay-at-home mom can be difficult for many. It is a major life transition, and can be a large financial adjustment as well.
I know this from my own experience, and I want to share what has helped me. At first it can seems really easy, but it really is a very flexible full time job. Some days you will be in survival mode, but for me majority of the time it has been so fun!
1. Is being a SAHM right for you?
The answer is not yes for everyone, and that is okay. If you make the decision to stay home, majority of your day is filled with tasks and activities that involve your child. You have to make sure that you make an effort to find things outside of motherhood that you enjoy.
You may already be making a sacrifice by giving up your career (even if it is not forever), and you may also have to make some financial sacrifices as well.
Make sure that you are okay with that decision for yourself and for your family.
2. Make a routine
I cannot stress this enough. Sometimes having the freedom to do whatever, whenever can lead you to doing nothing.. if that makes sense.
Treat it like a job, in the sense that you have tasks to complete that day. Give yourself deadlines if you have too.
Your daily routine should include:
- Regular wakeup and bedtimes
- Mealtimes
- Nap time
- Errands
- Daily activities ( be sure to check out this super easy toddler activity)
Consider creating a physical schedule, weekly or monthly. We use a fridge magnetic schedule to organize our month.
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3. Make daily todo lists
Write down everything you have planned for the day, every single task. You’ll feel accomplished when you cross off completed tasks, and it will be easier to do so when you can physically see them.
If you subscribe to my blog you will receive my daily planner for free to help you get started.
4. Make time for you
Being home with your child(ren) is and should be fun and fulfilling for you, and your family. And if it isn’t, try these tips to help you enjoy motherhood as a SAHM.
However, devoting your entire life to your child and family will quickly lead to resentment and burnout. Make sure that every day you devote some time to your self. I usually spend time working on my blog, but I also enjoy reading, at home manicures and crime shows with my husband.
Another huge factor in becoming a SAHM is the financial component…
1. Do a trial run
If you have not quit yet, take some time to make a plan and save some money. I worked from 10 weeks postpartum until about 8 months, and that is exactly what we did. During those months we saved money, made a plan and lived off one income.
We cut out things that weren’t necessary so that we could meet our savings goal before I left my job. We also wanted to make sure that it was doable. Could we actually live off of one income, and what would that look like for our family.
2. Create a budget
If I a being honest we have never been really good at this, my husband works in sales (which means inconstant paychecks).
A realistic budget on a single income may mean your family stops eating out, doesn’t get a new car, buys second-hand or may even downsize. Find as many ways as possible to save money, but also make sure to budget in fun for the family.
Having a budget does not mean you can’t have fun, but it does mean that you should be strategic about your spending and find what works for you family.
3. Find an additional income
I think that this has many benefits.
As a mom, this gives you a sense of pride. Whether you need the additional income, or just want to contribute financially it is a great way to have something to do outside of motherhood.
It is the reason I started my blog. I have always wanted to blog, and becoming a wife and mother was the push I needed to do so.
But I digress, there are many jobs that hire remote and part-time. Both of which can be good options for SAHMs.
It is important for every family to have a savings account for emergencies, but it is especially important for one income families. If you are able to, take your time, make a plan and save.
You can manage, you will manage. And making the decision to stay home with you child(ren) is fun, should be fun for you and your family!