No matter where you are in your minimalism journey, these tips can be applied to your lifestyle.
1. Define what minimalism is to you
Many people believe that minimalism is getting rid of everything, and that is simply not true. Minimalism is about owning, keeping and purchasing items that are of value to you, and you are the only one who can decide that.
There are no strict set of rules, and there is no one way to do it. So define what it means to you, and why you are doing it.
2. Start small
Starting small ensures that you don’t get overwhelmed. Try starting with these 12 things, in no specific order.
Completing small tasks will help you feel motivated for the larger areas of your home.
3. Find a place for everything
If it does not have a place in your home get rid of it, or get rid of something else to make room. It is does not have a designated spot that is how the counters become cluttered.
4. Don’t buy anything new
For whatever amount of time you are comfortable with, whether it’s 6 months to start or a year.
This allows you to see what you have and what you actually use and wear. You’ll save money and stop accumulating things you do not actually need.
5. Thrift, rent or borrow things you do need
Again, saving you money and space. But also not allowing you to form an attachment. It is easier to get rid of things you purchased second hand, or things you know you have to give back.
6. Write lists & stick to them
Write a list for any shopping you do. If you shop without a list you tend to purchase things you don’t need. You are more likely to make impulse purchases and spending money you shouldn’t.
7. Say no
Say no to anything that does not bring you value. Let your family and friends know you’d prefer experiences over gifts. Or that your child would prefer a membership to the local kids museum, rather than a new toy.
Don’t take something just because it is free, and don’t buy it just because it is a good deal.
Every item in your home should have a purpose, and if it doesn’t.. just say no
8. Declutter regularly
You will always need to declutter in order to maintain your home. Your style, interests and needs change. So decluttering regularly allows you to rid of those items that no longer serve you.
9. Keep surfaces clear
This goes back to everything in your home should have a place. Clear spaces lead to a clear mind, and one less thing you have to worry about.
10. Have a designated junk space
This can be controversial in the minimalist lifestyle. But I think this is an important tip. Having a small drawer for items that don’t really have a home,
The takeaway…
What minimalism is to you might not be what it is to your best friend, co workers or sister, and that is okay. Minimalism is about creating a clutter free, functional space for yourself and family.
It may take some time figure out what exactly you do and don’t need. But just start.
Related post: 4 Decluttering Mistakes You’re Making & How to Fix Them, 3 components of a minimalist bedroom